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Li ling

Li ling


Department of Accounting

Email: llcrww@xinhuanet.com

Phone : +86-27-68753515

PhD, Accounting, Wuhan University, School of Economics and Management, China (2001-2007)

MSc, Economics, Wuhan University, School of Economics and Management, China (1997-2000)

B.A., Economics, Wuhan University, School of Economics, China (1989-1993)

Curriculum Vitae


Ÿ TeachingFocusing :Auditing(undergraduate,54);Accounting(undergraduate,54)

Ÿ Research Areas:Independent Audit of the Listed Company;Corporate Internal Audit and Risk Management


Ÿ Lecturer of Accounting, Wuhan University,Dec 1998– present

Ÿ AssistantTeacher, Wuhan University,July 1993 -Dec 1998


Journal Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ LI Ling and Huan Xiaoling, 2012.“Study on the Relevant of the Listed Company Social Performance and Corporate Value,” Communication of Finance and Accounting,No.8, pp.39-42.

Ÿ LI Ling andLiu Qiongzhi,2010. “Economic Growth and Social Equality: a Study on Harmonious Incentive Mechanism of Public Expenditure,” Economic Management Journal, No.4, pp.5-10.

Ÿ ·LI Ling, 2008. “Audit Market Structure and its Influence on Audit Quality,” Communication of Finance and Accounting, No.9, pp.3-9.

Ÿ LI Ling, 2007. “Study on Internal Auditing of Commercial Banks in a Prospect of Corporate Governance,” Economic Management Journal,No.12, pp.74-79.

Ÿ ·LI Ling, 2006. “The Analysis of the Function of Risk-Oriented Internal Audit in Modern Corporate,” Communication of Finance and Accounting, No.12, pp.77-79.

Ÿ LI Ling, 2005. “Review of the Studies on Correlation of Earnings Management and Audit Quality,” Communication of Finance and Accounting, No.12, pp.53-56.

Ÿ LI Ling,2004. “Disclose of Corporate Earnings Forecasts: Incentives, Quality and Supervision,” Economic Review,No.6, pp.113-116.

Conference Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ LI Ling and Zhuang Xiaofang, 2014. “Study on the validity of internal audit in a Prospect of Corporate Governance”, The 4th Forum on Audit Theory Innovation Development, Wuhan.
