Welcome EMS!
Message from the Dean
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The Economics and Management School (EMS) of Wuhan University, founded in 1893, is the largest business school in China, consisting of around 270 faculty members and more than 7000 students. Over the years, the EMS has made remarkable achievements under the leadership of successive deans, through the efforts of all faculty and students, as well as with the help of alumni and community leaders. Our mission is to become one of the best business schools in the world, with cutting-edge research and excellent teaching. We are also striving to be one of the most influential schools in business strategy and policy research in the fields of economics and business.

The future of the EMS will not only have great academic performance but also contribute to the society. We welcome top talents in both research and teaching to enhance our school as we firmly believe that a great school consists of great scholars. By making our value system more inclusive, we hope to create an academic institution where its societal impact, academic research, and teaching can reinforce each other and improve simultaneously.

We expect all EMS people to join us to make the school even better. It is our responsibility to be more courageous and innovative, and at the same time adhere to high academic standards. The management team of the school is committed to working hard with all faculty members, students, alumni, and community leaders in the profession to advance this cause, contributing to the advancement of human knowledge and the development of China and also the World.

The 130th anniversary of Wuhan University has endowed us with both great responsibilities and driving forces. At this moment, we stand together in the starting point of the new era, ready to march on the new journey ahead of us. Welcome to our school and enjoy your stay in our beautiful campus!

Professor NIE Jun

Dean of Economics and Management School, Wuhan University
