| Pan Hongbo
Department of Accounting
Email: phb@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753131
PhD, Financial Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (2004-2007)
MSc, Financial Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (2002-2004)
B.A., Managenemt, Wuhan University of Technology, China (1998-2002)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ TeachingFocusing (Program and credit hour) : (for example)Principles offinancial management (undergraduate, 54; MBA, 36), Advanced financial management (undergraduate, 54), Mergers and takeovers (Master of Accounting, 36)
Ÿ Research Areas : Corporate finance,Executive incentive,Accounting information,Law and finance
Ÿ Director ofDepartment of Accounting,Wuhan University,April 2018 – present.
Ÿ Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,Dec. 2014– present.
Ÿ Vice Director ofDepartment of Accounting,Wuhan University,July 2013 –April 2018.
Ÿ Visiting Professor, Wharton School, University ofPennsylvania, Jan. 2013 –Dec. 2013.
Ÿ AssociateProfessor of Accounting, Wuhan University,Dec. 2009 –Nov. 2014.
Ÿ Assistant Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,Dec. 2007 –Nov. 2009.
Ÿ Independent Directors, Zhuzhou Feilu High-Tech Materials Co., Ltd.2015– present.
Ÿ The investment, financing and risk management of firms, Local Government andEntrepreneurs of Yangzhong city of Jiangsu Province.
Ÿ Mergers and takeovers, GUANGDONG GDH WATER COMPANY LIMITED, DEC. 2017, Nov. 2015.
Ÿ Mergers and takeovers ofcommercial banks, Dalian branch and Yunnan branch ofChina Construction Bank, Sep. 2017.
Ÿ The investment and risk management of firms,The managers of state-own firms ofZhaoqing city of Guangdong Province.
Ÿ Thefinancial risk analysis of firms, Local Government andEntrepreneurs ofXuyi County.
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Political Connectedness and Court Outcomes (with Haitian Lu and Chenying Zhang),Journal of Law and Economics, 2015, 58: 829-861.
Ÿ Private versus State Ownership and Spillover of Investor Protection Standards in Inter-province Mergers (with Donghui Li, Xinping Xia, and Minggui Yu) Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 2010, 46: 86-105.
Ÿ Expropriation: Evidence from Rights Issues in China (with Xinping Xia, and Minggui Yu),Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2008, 44: 5-20.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Labor Law, Corporate Investment, and Economic Growth (in Chinese, with Shilai Chen), Economic Research Journal (Jingji Yanjiu), 2017(4):92-105.
Ÿ Helping Hand, Grabbing Hand and Inter-Province Mergers (in Chinese, withShilai Chen),Economic Research Journal (Jingji Yanjiu), 2011(9): 108-120.
Ÿ Government Intervention, Political Connections and the Mergers of Local Government-Controlled Enterprises (in Chinese, with Xinping Xia, and Minggui Yu), Economic Research Journal (Jingji Yanjiu), 2008(4): 41-52.
Ÿ Privatization, Property Rights Protection and Corporate Risk-Taking (in Chinese, with Minggui Yu, andWengui Li), Economic Research Journal (Jingji Yanjiu), 2013(9):112-124.
Ÿ Political Coneections, Rent Seeking, and the Fiscal Subsidy Efficiency of Local Governments(in Chinese, with Minggui Yu, and Yafu Hui), Economic Research Journal (Jingji Yanjiu), 2010(3): 65-77.
Ÿ The Financial Development, the Commercial Credit, and the Competition in Products Markets (in Chinese, withMinggui Yu),Management World (Guanli Shijie), 2010(8): 117-129.
Ÿ Political Connections, Institutional Environments and Private Enterprises' Access to Bank Loans (in Chinese, withMinggui Yu),Management World (Guanli Shijie), 2008(8): 9-21.
Ÿ Vertical Interlocks of Executives, State Ownership and Accounting Information Quality (in Chinese, with Fangfang Han), Journal of Accounting Studies(Kuaiji Yanjiu), 2016(7):140-153.
Ÿ Target Firm’sAccounting Information Quality, Acquirer Ownership and Acquirer Returns (in Chinese, with Minggui Yu), Journal of Financial Research (Jinrong Yanjiu), 2014(7): 140-153.
Ÿ Intra-Group Transaction, Executive Compensation, and Capital Allocation Efficiency (in Chinese, with Minggui Yu), Journal of Accounting Studies(Kuaiji Yanjiu), 2014(10): 20-27.
Ÿ Political Connections, Expropriations and the Performance of Private-owned Firms (in Chinese, withMinggui Yu),Nankai Business Review, 2010(4): 14-27.
Ÿ Business Group Affiliation, Bank Loans and Capital Allocation Efficiency (in Chinese, with Minggui Yu), Journal of Financial Research (Jinrong Yanjiu),2010(10): 117-129.
Ÿ Control-Ownership Divergence: Agency Theory or Portfolio Theory (in Chinese, with Minggui Yu), Journal of Economics and Management(Jiji Guanli), 2014(11): 47-57.
Ÿ Pan, Hongbo,2014,The Study on the Takeovers of Chinese Listed Firms,Beijing:China Social Science Press.
Ÿ National Natural Science Foundation of China. The Effect of Governors’ Rotation on the Executive Governance of Local State-Owned Firms and Its Economic Consequences,¥585200, 2015, Ref. 71572133.
Ÿ National Natural Science Foundation of China. The Mutual Insurance in Business Groups and Risk-Taking: Based on Undiversified Private Controlling Shareholder,¥540000, 2012, Ref. 71272229.
Ÿ National Natural Science Foundation of China. Business Group Affiliation, Bank Loans and Capital Allocation Efficiency,¥150000, 2009, Ref. 70902055.
Ÿ China Education Ministry Foundation. Political Connections and Tunneling of private-owned Firms,¥50000, 2009, Ref. 09YJC630179.
Ÿ Best Paper Award,TheMinistry ofFinance, China, 2015.
Ÿ Best Paper Award, Hubei Social Science, China, 2011.
Ÿ Best Paper Award,TheMinistry ofFinance, China, 2012.
Ÿ Best Paper Award,Wuhan Social Science, China, 2013.
Ÿ First prize of Best Corporate Finance Award, The 13th TCFA Annual Conference, New York, USA, 2007.
Ÿ Luojia Management Review,Associate Editor, 2014-present.
Ÿ Referee:Economic Research Journal,Management World, Journal of Financial Research,Journal of Accounting Studies,Nankai Business Review,China Accounting and Finance Review, et al.
Ÿ Certified Public Accountant, 2006.
Ÿ Independent Director, 2012.