| Zhao Jing
Associate professor
Department of Marketing and Tourism Management
Email: zhaoj@whu.edu.cn
Phone : 027-68756536
PhD, Consumer Science, Purdue University, USA (2006-2011)
M.A., Management, Nankai University, China (1998-2001)
B.A., Management, Nankai University, China (1994-1998)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses: Marketing Management (undergraduate student, 54 credit hours), Consumer Behavior (MBA, 32 credit hours)
Ÿ Research Areas: Service Marketing, consumer behavior
Ÿ Associate professor of Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, July 2016 -present
Ÿ Lecturer ofDepartment of Marketing and Tourism Management, Wuhan University,August 2014 –July 2016
Ÿ Postdoctoral fellow,Wuhan University, August 2012- July 2014
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Zhao, J., Ha, S..,&Widdows, R. (2016). TheInfluence ofSocialCapital onKnowledgeCreation inOnlineHealthCommunities. Information technology and management,17(4), 311-321 (SSCI).
Ÿ Zhao, J, Wang, T, Fan, X. (2015).PatientValueCo-creation inOnlineHealthCommunities:TheEffects ofSocialIdentity onKnowledgeContribution andMembershipContinuanceIntention. Journal of service management, 26(1), 72-96 (SSCI).
Ÿ Wang, T., Zhou, L., Mou, Y., & Zhao, Jing. (2014). Study of Country-of-origin Image from Legitimacy Theory Perspective: Evidence from the USA and India. Industrial Marketing Management, 43, 769-776 (SSCI).
Ÿ Zhao, J., Ha, S..,&Widdows, R. (2013). Building Trusting Relationships in Online Health Communities. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, 16, 650-657 (SSCI).
Ÿ Anaza, N. & Zhao, J. (2013). Encounter-Based Antecedents of E-customer Citizenship Behaviors.Journal of Services Marketing, 27, 130-140 (SSCI).
Ÿ Zhao, J., Abrahamson, K., Anderson, J., Ha, S.,& Widdows, R., (2013). Trust,Empathy,SocialIdentity, andContribution ofKnowledge withinPatientOnlineCommunities. Behaviour & Information Technology, 32, 1041-1048 (SSCI).
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ . Zhao, J. & Wang, T. (2014). Social Captial, Empathy, and Knowledge Creation in Virtual Community. Chinese Journal of Management, 11, 921-927.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Zhao, J, W, T.,& Nwamaka, A. (2013). The Relationship between E-shopper Perceptions of Value and Citizenship Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation.2013 AMA summer educator’s conference, Boston, USA.
Ÿ Nwamaka, A. & Zhao, J. (2013). Encounter-Based Antecedents of E-customer Citizenship Behaviors.2013 AMA winter educator’s conference, Las Vegas, USA.
Ÿ Zhao, J., Abrahamson, K.., Anderson, J., Ha, S.,&Widdows, R. (2012). Trust, empathy, social identity, and contribution of knowledge within patient online communities.2012 Society for the Study of Social Problem annual meeting, Denver, USA.
Ÿ Zhao, J., Ha, S., & Widdows, R. (2012). The influence of social capital on knowledge creation in online healthcare communities.2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, Seoul, Korean.
Ÿ Zhao, J. (2012). Meta synthesis of business model for effective health care management in hospital sector. 2012 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, Service Innovation in Emerging Economy: Cross-Disciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspective.2012 International Joint Conference on Service Science, Shanghai, China.
Ÿ Chinese National Science Foundation,¥210,000, 2013, Ref.71302095