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Liu Mingxia

Liu Mingxia


Department of Business Administration


Phone : +86-27-68755395

PhD, School of Economics & Management, Wuhan University, China(1999-2003)

MSc,School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, China(1994-1997)

B.A.,Department of Mathematics, Central China Normal University, China (1990-1994)

Curriculum Vitae


Department ofBusiness Administration


Phone : +86-27-68755395

PhD,School of Economics & Management, Wuhan University, China(1999-2003)

MSc,School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, China(1994-1997)

B.A.,Department ofMathematics,Central China Normal University,China (1990-1994)


Ÿ Teaching courses: Management;Statistics and Decision Science; Strategic Management

Ÿ Research Areas:Strategic Management; Innovation Management;Organizational Theory


Ÿ Visiting scholar, Foster Business School, University of Washington, Seattle, 2012-2013.

Ÿ Professor of Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2009-present

Ÿ Associate professor, of Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2004-2009

Ÿ Assistant professor of Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 1999-2004

Ÿ Instructor, Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 1997-1999


Journal Papers (International)

Ÿ Yang Qi & Liu Mingxia, 2014.“Ethical leadership,organizationalidentification andemployee voice:examining moderatedmediationprocess in the ChineseinsuranceIndustry”,Asia Pacific Business Review,Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp.231-248.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ Liu Mingxia and Yu Fei,“Parent–Subsidiary's Two-way KnowledgeFlows and Transfer Logicsin theMNCs' Investments in China”,Science Research Management, 2015, 2.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia and Wu Guangju,“Corporate Reputation Interdependence in the Internet Age: A Study Based on Cognitive Perspectives”,Nanjing Business Review, 2016, 13(3).

Ÿ Liu Mingxia and Huang Dan,“Motivations of Creators to Participate in Reward-based Crowd Funding based on Grounded Theory”,Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2015, 24.

Ÿ Meng Xiangjie and Liu Mingxia,“Research on Corporate Reputation Crisis Spillover based on Cognitive Theory”,Modern Finance and Economics-Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 2015, 10.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia and Shen Chi,“The Network Information Transmission and theReputationManagement of Electric Business Enterprises”,Economy and Management, 2015, 2.

Ÿ Yu Fei and Liu Mingxia,“Impact of Institutional Pressure on Corporate Social Responsibility: based on Perspective of Top Manager”,Technology Economics, 2015, 11.

Ÿ Yu Fei and Liu Mingxia,“The Relationship of Ownership Structure and Survival of Subsidiary Based on Evolutionary Theory: the Moderating Effect ofEnvironmental Jolt and Slack Resources”,Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2014,5.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia and Yu Fei,“Empirical Study on the Organizational Mechanisms of Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Chinese MNCs”.Studies in Science of Science, 2013,8.

Ÿ Yu Fei and Liu Mingxia,“The Influence Factors of Knowledge Transfer in Chinese Family Business Succession: an Empirical Study”,Science & Technology Progress and Policy,2013,10.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia, “Review of the Studies on ReverseKnowledgeTransferof Multinational Corporations”.Chinese Journal of Management,2012, 3.

Ÿ Wei Wuand Liu Mingxia,“The Influencing Factors of Organizational Knowledge Transform in Different MainBody Levels”.Journal of Industrial Engineering Management,2012, 1.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia and Lin Linqing,“Research on the Effects of Human Capital and Technology Gap on Reverse Technology Spillover of OFDI”. Journal of China University Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 2011, 5

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“ReverseTechnologySpilloverEffect of China’sOutward FDI:Based on theEffect ofTechnologyGap”.Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2010,3.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia, “Governance of Knowledge Transfer Centered on Subsidiaries Outputin MNCs”.Journal of China University Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 2010, 5

Ÿ Liu Mingxia, “Studying on theReverseKnowledgeTransfer in FDI of ChineseEnterprises toDevelopedCountries”.Economic Management Journal, 2009, 3

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“CreativeAssets-seeking FDI: NewTrend andNewChallenges ofMultinationalCorporations ofDevelopingCountries”.Finance & Trade economic, 2009, 4

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“TheRelationship betweenKnowledge andOrganization underNewEconomy: ComparingLiteratures ofOrganizationGovernance withKnowledgeGovernance”.LuoJia Management Review, 2009, (1)

Ÿ Liu Mingxia andWang Xuejun,“Research onReverseTechnologySpillover ofForeignDirectInvestment of China”.World Economy Study, 2009, 9

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“ReverseTechnologySpilloverEffect of China’s FDI: EmpiricalAnalysisBased onInter-provincialPanelData”. International Business, 2009, 4

Ÿ Yuan Jingbo and Liu Mingxia, “AStudy onEnterprise'sTechnicalInnovationPowerModel under theNewEconomicEnvironment”.Science & Technology Progress and Policy,2007, 7

Ÿ He Weiand Liu Mingxia,“AStudy onFirms’ R&DCommercializationCapability”.China Industrial Economy, 2006, 4

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“RealOptions: theTheory andItsManagementThoughts”.Science & Technology Progress and Policy,2004, 6

Ÿ Liu Mingxia, “DynamicCapabilities:Review,Comparison andFutureResearch”.Productivity Research, 2004, 10

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“TheInfluence ofSubsidiaries on thePattern ofFirm-specificAdvantageDevelopment in theMultinationalCorporations”.China soft science, 2002, 9

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,“Subsidiaries--specificAdvantage: aNewAdvantage andSomeChallenges”.Economic Management Journal, 2002, 12

Conference Papers (International)

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,2009.“Research onAbsorptiveCapacity and ReverseTechnologySpilloverEffects of China’s FDI”,International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 16thAnnual Conference Proceedings, Haerbin.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,2009.“Empirical Analysis on the Effectsand Mechanisms of FDI on Development ofChina's ServiceIndustry”,Proceedings ofthe 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Xiamen.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,2007.“An Model ofR&D OutsourcingBased on Sustainable Competitive Advantage”,Proceedings of the 4thInternational Conference on Innovation & Management,Wuhan.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,2006.“The Analysis on Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Supply chains”,Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on management of Logistics & supply chain, Changsha.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,2006.“Research on Strategic Risk:Reviewing and Prospecting”,Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference on Innovation & Management,Wuhan.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia,2005.“The New Perspectives of Resources and Capabilities Theory Based on Real Option Lens”,Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Innovation & Management,Wuhan.


Ÿ Tan Liwen, Li Yanping, Liu Linqing, Liu Mingxia, Qin Yi, 2014,Management (fourth edition), Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

Ÿ Tan Liwen, Liu Linqing, Liu Mingxia, 2009, Management, Beijing: China Science Press.

Ÿ Tan Liwen, Li Yanping, Liu Linqing, Liu Mingxia, 2009, Management (third edition), Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

Ÿ Liu Linqing, Liu Mingxia, 2008, Practice Textbook on StrategyManagement, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.


Ÿ Liu Mingxia, 2012, Study on the Reverse Knowledge Transfer of Chinese MNCs, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia, 2009,Strategic Analysis and Operationunder Uncertain Environment:Real Options Strategy, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.



Ÿ Liu Mingxia.Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education (MOE) of China for “Inter-organizational Initial Trust on Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing in Innovation Cluster: the Perspective of Indirect Trust”,¥100000, 2015-2018, Granted No. 15YJA630041.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for “A Study on Reverse Knowledge Transfer and Governance Mechanism of Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries”,¥240000,2009-2011,GrantedNo.70872086.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia.Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education (MOE) of China for “The Theoretical and Empirical Analysis on Reverse Knowledge Transfer in the Internationalization Process of Chinese Enterprises”,¥70000,2009-2012,Granted No.08JA630058.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia (in charge of sub-topic). National Social Science Foundation of China (SSFC) for “Studying on the Development of Chinese Management after Reform and Opening to the Outside World”,¥600000, 2010-2015, Granted No.10zd&136. (Note: this is a key project of SSFC)

Ÿ Liu Mingxia. Soft Science program in Shenzhen on “Competitive situation around Zhujiang River and countermeasure of Shenzhen city”,¥350000, 2012-2013.

Ÿ Liu Mingxia. Consulting project ofYongfu County Government on “FSR ofGym Centre of Yongfu County”,¥155000, 2012.


Ÿ 《Study on the Reverse Knowledge Transfer of Chinese MNCs》, Awarded second prize of Best book in social science, Hubei Province Government, 2015.

Ÿ “The Relationship of Ownership Structure and Survival of Subsidiary Based on Evolutionary Theory: the Moderating Effect ofEnvironmental Jolt and Slack Resources”, Awarded third prize of best paper in social science, Guangxi Province Government,2017
