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Liu Yong

Liu Yong


Department of Mathematical Economics and Mathematical Finance

Email: liuy@whu.edu.cn

Phone : +86-27-68756540

PhD, Economics, Wuhan University ,China(2006-2010)

MSc, Economics, Wuhan University, China(2004-2006)

B.A., Economics, Wuhan University, China (2000-2004)

Personal Website or Detailed CV Link

Curriculum Vitae


Ÿ Teaching courses : Macroeconomics; Finance; Econometrics

Ÿ Research Areas : Macro-finance; Public Finance and Tax; Growth and Development


Ÿ Instructor, Wuhan University, 2010 -


Journal Papers (International)

l Liu Yong, Zou Wei,“Rural–urban Migration and Dynamics of Income Distribution in China: A Non–parametric Approach”,China & World Economy,2011,19(2)。

l Zou Wei,Liu Yong,“Skilled Labor, Economic Transition and Income Inequality,”Annals of Economics and Finance,2010(2)。

Journal Papers (Domestic)

l Liu Yong, Zou Wei, “Barrier to Labor Migration, Income Inequality and Economic growth,” Journal of China University Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition),2014,6.

l Wei Fucheng、Zou Wei、Ma Wentao、Liu Yong,”tax, price control and the barrier to industrial advanced ”Economic Quarterly,2013,4.

l Liu Yong、Ye Yonggang, “negative shocks and macro-financial stability in China,” Journal of economic management, 2012,7.

l Liu Yong、Bai Xiaoying、Zou Wei, “the mature of initial wealth and innate ability, and income inequality,” Journal of Economic Research, 2012,S2.

l Zou Wei、Liu Yong, “Skilled Labor, Economic Transition and Dynamic of Income,” Journal of World Economics, 2010,5.

l Bai Xiaoying、Liu Yong, “Habit types and Those Dynamic Nature in Pure Exchange OLG Economy,” Journal of Economic Question, 2010,2.

l Zou Wei、Liu Yong, “Habit Formation and Optimum taxation,” Journal of World Economy,2008,2.

Conference Papers (International)

Ÿ Liu Yong,Ye Yonggang, “Is Macro Financial Risk Reducing Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan African?”Proceeding of China-Canada Industry Workshop on Financial Engineering and Enterprise Risk Management2011.11

Ÿ Liu Yong , “Aggregate Risk and Income Inequality,”The Proceedings of China-Canada Workshop on Financial Engineering and Enterprise Risk Management, 2010.11。

Ÿ Liu Yong,“Inequality and Institutions”,Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management, 2009.11。


Government-funded grants

l China Macro-financial Risk Transition Mechanism and Deleveraging Policy in Context of Income Inequality,71403194,¥220000,2015-

l China Macro-financial Stability: Based on Network Contagion Multiplier,13YJC790099,¥80000,2013-2016。

l The Inner Adjustment of Economic Sector and Contagion of Macro-financial System,¥10000,2013-2014。

l The Dynamic Process of Income Distribution In China, 20110491204,¥30000,2011.4-2012.8。

l Financial Development and Wage Inequality, 121049,¥30000,2012.6-2014.6。


Ÿ Best Paper Award, Fund of China Post-doctor , 2012
