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Luo Qi

Luo Qi


Department of Finance

Email: luoqi@whu.edu.cn

Phone: +86-27-68752134

PhD, Industrial Engineering and Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (2002–2006)

M. S., Economics, Xiamen University, China (1995–1998)

B. A., Economics, Renmin University, China (1987–1991)

Curriculum Vitae


Ÿ Teaching Course: Corporate Finance(undergraduate, 54)

Ÿ Research Areas: Corporate Finance;Capital Markets


Ÿ Professor of Finance, Wuhan University, 2012 – present

Ÿ Associate Professor of Finance, Wuhan University, 2008–2012

Ÿ Research Fellow, Management Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2006–2009

Ÿ Instructor, Management School,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1998–2002


Ÿ Assistant Economist, Wuhan Shipbuilding Special Equipment Factory, 1991–1995


Journal Papers (International)

Ÿ Luo, Q., Li, H., and Zhang, B. Financing constraints and the cost of equity: Evidence on the moral hazard of the controlling shareholder.International Review of Economics and Finance, 2015, 36: 99-106.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Hachiya,T. Bank relations, cash holdings, and firm value: Evidence from Japan.Management Research News, 2005, 28: 61-73.

Ÿ Hachiya, T., and Luo, Q. Investment-cash flow sensitivity and ownership structure in Japan. Japan Journal of Finance, 2005, 24: 49-67.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Hachiya,T. Corporate governance, cash holdings, and firm value: Evidence from Japan.Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 2005, 8: 613-636.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ Luo, Q., andYu,H Y.Precise Regulation of Capital Markets under the Background of Internet Big Data.Financial Mind, 2016,5:51-60.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Peng, Z Q. Analysis on Channel Effects of Real Earnings Management.Economic Management, 2016, 8:135-148.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Wu, Z D. Agency Problem between Controlling and Minority Shareholders and Corporate Cash Dividend.Journal of Management Science, 2016, 3: 112-122.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Hu, Y Q. Free Cash Flow and Dynamic Capital Structure Adjustment.Finance and Trade Research, 2016, 3:117-125.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Hu, Y Q. Cash Dividend and Dynamic Capital Structure Adjustment.Chinese Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 2:16-25.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Wang, Y G. Real Earnings Management and the Cost of Equity: Analysis Based on Chinese Company’s Growth.Journal of Financial Research, 2015, 5: 178-191.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Li, H.Firm Life—cycle,Dividend Policy,and InvestmentEfficiency.Economic Review, 2015, 2:115-125.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and He, J. Stock Market Mispricing and the Decisions of Investment and Financing by the Controlling Shareholder.Economic Management, 2015, 1:109-118.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Fu, S J.Stock Price Synchronicity and Market Timing from the Perspective of the Controlling Shareholder.Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2015, 1:125-131.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Fu, S J.A Study of Market Timing from the Perspective of Controlling Shareholders, China Soft Science, 2014, 2:140-149.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Zhang, B. Growth Opportunity,Capital Structure and Firm Value: A Study on Panel Smooth TransitionRegression.Economic Management,2013,9:113-120.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Zhang, B. Ownership Properties,Investor Sentiment and Corporate Inefficient Investment. Finance and Trade Research, 2013,4:148-156.

Ÿ Luo, Q., Gao, X F., and Fu, S J.Market Timing and Corporate Investment: A Review.Review of Investment Studies, 2012, 12:148-154.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Zhang, B. The Hedging Effect of Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from China.Statistical Research, 2012,2:58-65.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Hu, Z Q. The Moral Hazard of Controlling Shareholder and Corporate Cash Holdings,Economic Research Journal, 2011,2: 125-137.

Ÿ Luo, Q., Han, X H., and Wang, S S.Corporate Cash Holdings and the Cross- Section of Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from Chinese Stock Market.China Soft Science, 2010, 9:163-172.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Wang, Y. Investor Protection and the Assets Preference of the Con trolling Shareholders.China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2010,2:57-64.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Xu, Q H. An Empirical Test of the Impact of the Controlling Shareholder on Corporate Cash Holdings.Statistical Research,2009,11:93-99.

Ÿ Luo, Q., and Qin, G L.Investor Protection and Corporate Cash Holdings.Journal of Financial Research, 2009,10:162-178.

Ÿ Luo, Q., Xiao, W C., and Xia, X P. Financing Constraints or Overinvestment: Evidence on Investment—cash Flow Sensitivities of Chinese Listed Companies. China Industrial Economy, 2007, 9: 103-110.


Ÿ Corporate Investment and Working Capital Policies, Beijing: Science Press,2009


Government-funded grants

Ÿ A Study on the Cost of Equity Capital of Chinese Listed Companies,2014–2016, Project Supported by Ministry of Education for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China.

Ÿ A Study on Corporate Financing and Investment Decisions Based on the Controlling Shareholder’s Motivation for Market Timing,2013–2016, Project Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China.

Ÿ A Study on the Value Effect of Firm’s Cash Holdings on Capital Spending under the Control of Large Shareholders, 2009–2011, Project Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China.

Ÿ Market Timing, Control of Large Shareholders, and Corporate Investment, 2009–2011, Project Supported by Social Scientific Foundation of Ministry of Education.

Corporate-funded grants

Ÿ Expand the Opening to theOutside World to Enhance the Economic Internationalization in Wuhan, Wuhan Science and Technology Bureau, 2012.

Ÿ A Simulation for the Effect ofSci-tech Financial Policy in Beijing, Beijing Research Center for Science Science,2013.

Ÿ A Study on Insurance Asset allocation in Mezzanine Investments, China Insurance RegulatoryCommission, 2016.


Ÿ Economic Review, Deputy Editor in Chief, 2014 – present

Ÿ Referee forEconomic Research Journal,Journal of Financial Research,Journal of International Finance, etc.
