WANG, Shufei |
Assistant Professor |
Department of World Economics |
Email: sfwang1989@gmail.com, shufeiwang@whu.edu.cn |
Phone : +86-27-68753027 |
PhD, Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2019) |
M.A, Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, (2016) |
M.A, Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, (2014) |
B.A., Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (2011) |
Ÿ Teaching Programme: International Economics (for undergraduates and postgraduates)
Ÿ Teaching Focusing : International Economics and Finance
Ÿ Research Areas : International Trade, Chinese Economy, Development Economics, Applied Econometrics
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Putting Comparative Advantage to Work within the Multi-Product Firm. (working paper)
Ÿ Equilibrium Assignment Patterns in Knowledge-based Hierarchy Model: Evidence from China (with Albert Park) (working paper)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Trade and Climate Change linkages: a Literature Review., Economic Perspectives (经济学动态).,2011, No.10, pp131-136, (with Yanle Xi and Xiaojun Sun).
Ÿ Do Imported Intermediate Inputs Increase productivity?-An Empirical Analysis Based on Propensity Score Matching., Macroeconomics (宏观经济研究), 2012, No.8, pp48-53, (with Liang Cao and Wanzhi).
Ÿ Do Exports Reduce Financing Constrains of Private Enterprises?. NanKai Economic Studies (南开经济研究), 2013, No.3, pp95-109, (with Shimin Zhou and Yongbing Chen).
Ÿ Impact of FTAs on Members’ Trade Flows and Trade Pattern——Based on the Empirical Study of China’s Involvement in FTAs Facts, Macroeconomics (宏观经研究), 2013, No.7, pp90-100, (with Xu, Wenhai).
Ÿ Importing, Exporting and Productivity-An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese manufacturing Firm-Level Data. forthcoming in Finance&Trade Economics (财贸经济), 2013, No.12, pp101-111, (with Xin Li and Yongbing Chen).