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Yuan HJ(袁鸿杰)1*;Li Yue 2;Shao Xiang 3 ; Tao Zhigang;4:How local leaders matter: Inter-provincial leadership transfers and land transactions in China
时间:2023-02-13    点击数:

Abstract:We study how local leaders matter for economic growth by examining the impacts of exogenous transfers of leaders across China’s provinces on land transactions in the primary market. We find that new provincial leaders attract investment in industrial land from the provinces of their previous positions. The leaders’ impacts are greater when their freedom to deploy their business connections in the land market is greater. More importantly, we find evidence of positive impacts of land transactions on economic growth, which should bode well for the careers of the local leaders, albeit there is some evidence of rent seeking among officials especially when they are too old for further promotion.

该文在线发表于经济学综合性期刊Journal of Comparative Economics。该期刊为best365网页版登录B+级奖励期刊。

