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Geng Niu, Yang Zhou (周洋), Weijie Lu (鲁维洁) and Hongwu Gan: Religiosity and corruption in bank lending
时间:2022-02-21    点击数:

摘要:This paper explores the effect of country-level religiosity on corruption in bank lending. By using the World Business Environment Survey, we find that firms in more religious countries perceive a higher level of bank lending corruption. Furthermore, larger (smaller) foreign (government) ownership and more competition in a country's banking system attenuate the adverse effect of religiosity. The effect of religiosity carries over to bank loan performance. Our findings are confirmed by various robustness checks. This study contributes to a more balanced and comprehensive understanding of the role of religion in business ethics.

本文于2022年2月在线发表于Journal ofBusiness Finance & Accounting,该期刊为经管院B+类期刊,鲁维洁为本文通讯作者。

