讲座题目: Belief-consistent Pareto Dominance
摘要: Classic Pareto criterion claims that every voluntary trades even on the ground of heterogenous beliefs should be encouraged. I argue that a trade without hope for Pareto improvement remains controversial. I introduce and characterize a notion of Belief-Consistent-Pareto dominance to formalize this argument, which requires, aside from unanimity of preferences, all rankings in a trade should be supported by some common beliefs, which have to coincide with agents' beliefs over the events on which all agents agree. Its application and welfare analysis is also discussed.
简介: 2012年毕业于Ohio State University 获经济学博士学位,现为法国国家科学研究中心经济学部副研究员、巴黎索邦大学经济学副教授。瞿博士研究方向为决策科学、行为与实验经济学、金融经济学等,其研究成果发表于《Economic Theory》、《Journal of Mathematical Economics、《Social Choice and Welfare》、 《Mathematical Social Sciences》、《Theory and Decision》、《 Economics Letters》、《Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance》等国际学术期刊。