讲座题目:Attention to Inflation (“关注”通货膨胀)
主讲人:徐志浩 清华大学 助理教授
We construct a unique data set comprising high-frequency city-level grain prices in 1940s China to investigate pricing behaviors when inflation is very high. Our empirical findings demonstrate that city-level prices converge more rapidly to the national average as inflation rates increase, reducing price dispersion. This unconventional empirical relationship is explained with a pricing model incorporating state-dependent attention to inflation, whereby individuals pay greater attention to overall prices as inflation rates rise, thus altering the relationship between inflation and price dispersion. We provide empirical evidence that supports this theory. Overall, our paper sheds light on a novel aspect of price setting, which has broader implications for monetary policy.
本研究通过一手史料首次构建我国20世纪40年代城市层面的粮食价格数据集来探究(超)高通货膨胀环境下的价格表现。实证结果发现,随着通货膨胀率的上升,各地粮价更快地向全国平均水平靠拢,价格离散水平因而缩减。这一结果与经典宏观模型中价格离散程度随通胀水平上升而扩大的结论相左。为解释这一矛盾,本文构建起“关注度(Attention)”理论模型:企业在市场上获取信息需要付出成本,在(超)高通胀时期,价格急剧变动,错误定价所导致的损失将远超信息搜寻成本。于是,各企业均选择密切监测市面上的价格信号, 并与市场定价的平均结果,即通胀率保持一致。我们进一步通过各种渠道印证了该理论。该研究为货币政策提供了新的重要启示。